Friday, March 24, 2023

Exercices T7 (Part 2)

 1 Can you give me more details, please?

a) Yes, the CPU has a defect.

b) I ordened it on your webside a week ago.

2 I apologise for the inconvenient.

a) Well, I hope this won't happen again.

b) That's OK, I apreciate your help.

3 I want a refund!

b) I'll ask my manager.

c) I'm sorry, we can't give you your money back.

4 Will you correct the mistake right away?

a) We'll replace the part inmediately.

c) We're sorry about that.

5 Our order still hasn't arrived!

b) Our records say it was delivered to you on friday.

c) I'll look into that and call you right back.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Exercicies T7 (Part 1)


sales and marketing departament            3

accounts departament                              4

IT maintenance departament                   1

customer relations departament               2

human resources department                   5

1 we managed to fix your hard drive but unfortunately, you need a new motherboard.

2 Your satisfaction is very important to us. i'm very sorry to hear there wa a problem with our service.

3 I can give you a reduction in price if you buy a lorger quantity.

4 Please give me the invoice number and i'll check what the prices were.

5 I'm plannin a staff training programme for all our new employees.


1 I think we should discuss it un more detail at our next team meeting

2 We want all our customers to be satisfied whit the service we give.

3 They're asking how much we charge for technical support.

4 I'm sorry, the line is busy. I'll ask her to get back to you as soon as possible.

5 The company will replace the damaged item for free.

6 Our opening times are from 9 in the morning until 8 in the evening.

7 Don't hang up- hold the line and I'll put you through to the correct department.


1 customer number       f

2 quote                          d  

3 enquiry                       a

4 overcharge                  b

5 shipping date               

6 complaint                   c


a. a request for information

b. charge too high a price for a product or service

c. a statement that something is unsatisfactory

d. the estimated cost for a job or service

e. the date a customer's order leaves the supplier

f. a reference assigned to each customer by a supplier.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Vocabulary Builder 7

Vocabulary Builder 7


accounts departament: departament de comptes

customer relations department: departament de relacions amb clients

human resources departament: departament de recursos humans

IT maintenace departament: departament de manteniment de IT

sales and marketing departament: departament de vendes i marketing


charge: Carregar

complait: Queixarse

customer number: numero de consumidor

damaged: trencat

discuss it: discuteix-ho

enquiry: investigacio

get back to you: tornar a tu

hold the line: aguanta a la linia

opening times: temps de obertura

overcharge: sobrecarregat

quote: presupost

satisfied: satisfet

shipping date: data de enviament


assist: ajudar

at our expense: a costa propia

check my records: comprova el registre

compensation: compensació

credited our accout: acreditat al nostre compte

defect: defecte

doesn't fit: no encaixa

error: error

faulty part: part defectuosa

losing business: perdre negoci

lost in the post: perdut durant el enviament

make a claim: fer una reclamació

making a noise: fer soroll

missing a part: falte una part

refund(n): renvolsar

refuse: rebutjar

return: retornar

suggest: suggerir

the wrong item: el objecte incorrecte

under warranty: fora de garantia


broken: trencat

customer satisfaction: client satisfet

disappointed: desacord

dissatisfaction: no satisfet

feedback: comentaris

file a lawsuit: presentar una demanda

financial director: director financer

inappropiate: in apropiat

lose business: perdre negoci

managing director: director de mànager

research and development department: departament de recerca i desenvolupament

treatment: tractament

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Dialogue 7


A: Thank you for colling World of Computers.
How can i help you?

B: Hello. I'm interested in purchasing a number of laptops or tablets. We need them for our school

A: Please hold the line. I'll put you through to our sales and Marketing Departament. What's your name, please?

B: It's Mrs Simpson.


A: Good morning. May i ask what the problem is, please?

B: Yes, I think I've been overcharged for the scanners we ordered.

A: I'm sorry about that. What's your c8ustomer number, please?

B: It's SP1289

A: OK, hold on and i'll put you through to the accounts departament. They'll be with you shortly.


A: Hello. I'm calling because I've got a problem with one of the heatsinks you send us.

B: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you describe the problem, please?

A: When i start the computer, it doesn't turn on.

B: Oh, I see. Please hold the line and i'll put you through to the IT maintence departament.

I'm sorry the line is busy right now. Let me take your name and number. I'll get a technician to get back to you.
