Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dialogue Rescheduling Meetings


A: Hello! Is that Mrs Brody? This is Mark Brown, Geraldine Marsden's administrative assistant at compusafe

B: Hello, Mark. What can i do for you?

A:Well, unfortunately Mrs Marsden is ill, so she won't be at work for three days.

B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

A: The problem is, she won't be able to make it to the meeting you arranged for tomorrow. Can we reschedule it?

B: Certaly. Let's look at the calendar.

A: What date is convenient for you? How about Tuesday, 5th January?

B: I won't be available on that day. I'll be busy with staff training.

A: I see. Mrs Marsden will also be free on wednesday, 6th January. Would that suit you?

B: I've got a staff meeting in the afternoon, but I'm free in the morning.

A: Great! Will 11 o'clock in the morning be OK?

B: Yes, I'll write it in my diary.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Vocabulary Builder 8


Vocabulary Builder 8


Attend the meeting: Asisitr la reunio

Break: Pausa

Busy:  Ocupat

Check your calendar: Revisa el teu calendari

Confirm: Confirmar

Convenient: Convenient

Equipment: Equipaments

Free: Gratis

Give a presentation: Fer una presentacio

Hold a meeting:  Tenir una reunio

Light refreshments: Refresc

Make arrangements: Preparar

Pack: Paquet

Participants: Participants

Previous commitment: Asumpte

Schedule: Programar

Sharp: En punt

Take place: Tenir lloc

Tied up: Lligat

Video conference: Video conferencia


Alternative date: Data alternativa

Appointment: Cita

Arrange: Organitzar

Cancel: Cancelar

Feel ill: Sentirse malament

Get lost: Perdres 

Got the dates mixed up: Confondre la data

Held up in a traffic jam: Estar en un embus

Leave... urgently: Sortir urgent

Participate: Participació

Postpone: Posposar

Reorganise: Reorganitzar

Reschedule: Reorganitzar el horari

Running late: De pas

Suit: Traje

Switch: Canviar


Half past: I mitja

Quarter past: Pasa un cuart

Ten past: Pasen deu minuts

O'clock: En punt

Quarter to: Un curt per

Twenty to: Vint minuts per


Absent: Ausent

Adjourn: Aplasar

Boardroom: Sala de conferencia

Chairperson: President

Conference call: Trucada de conferencia

Confirm: Confirmar

Delay: Retras

Instead: En lloc de 

Make it: Fer ho

Minutes: Minuts

Punctual: Puntual

Verify: Verificar

Vote: Votar

Wrap up: Concloure

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Dialogue 8

Dialogue T8


A: This is katie from Administration. Can i speak to Alice Walker, please?

B: Alice speaking. Hi, Katie, what can i do for you?

A: Hi, Alice. I'm trying to schedule a meeting with all the software testers. Do you remember- I mentioned it to you last month?

B: Yes, I remember. When is the meeting going to take place?

A: We'd like to hold the meeting on 3rd March.I want to check the time with you first. Are you free on the 3rd?

B: Let me check my calendar. No, I'm afraid that won't work. I've got previous commitments on that day.

A: I see. Would 5th March be convenient for you? At three in the afternoon?

B: The afternoon is dificult for me. A mid-morning meeting would be better, if possible.

A: Most of the software testers will be tied up at a conference. I'm afraid that's  impossible.

B: Well the morning isn't ideal, but I can rearrange a few things, so I'll be there.

A: Great! I'll get back to you later with more details.


A: Aqui Katie d'administració. Puc parlar amb Alice Walker, si us plau? 

B: Alícia parlant. Hola, Katie, què puc fer per tu? 

A: Hola, Alícia. Estic intentant programar una reunió amb tots els provadors de programari. Te'n recordes que t'ho vaig comentar el mes passat?

B: Sí, ho recordo. Quan tindrà lloc la reunió? 

A: Ens agradaria fer la reunió el 3 de març. Vull comprovar l'hora amb tu primer. Estàs lliure el dia 3? 

B: Deixa'm consultar el meu calendari. No, em temo que no puc. Tinc compromisos previs aquell dia. 

A: Ja veig. Et seria convenient el 5 de març? A les tres de la tarda?

B: La tarda és difícil per a mi. Una reunió a mig matí seria millor, si és possible. 

A: La majoria dels provadors de programari estaran en una conferència. Em temo que això és impossible. 

B: Bé, el matí no és ideal, però puc reordenar algunes coses, així que hi seré. 

A: Genial! Més endavant et diré més detalls.
