Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Vocabulary Builder 4

 Vocabulary Builder 4


delivery date : data de entrada

give a discount : donar un descompte

goods: mercaderia

invoice: factura

out of stock : fora de stock

payment date:  data de pagament

payments: pagaments

price: preu

price per unit: preu per unitat

quality: qualitat

quantity: quantitat

subtotal: subtotal



account: compte

cash: diners( efectiu)

charge it: cobrar

cheque: xec

credit  card: targeta de credit

postage and handling: franqueig i manipulacio

shipping: enviament


all-in-one: tot en un

built-in: incorporat

compact: compacte

complicated: complicat

depenable: depen de algo per funcionar

ergonomic: ergonomic

flexible: flexible

high-resolution: alta resolusio

portable: portable

powerful: poderos

practical: practic

reliable: fiable

secure: segur

simple: simple

slimline: prim

study: robust

superfast: super rapid

top-of-the range: el mes alt de la gama

user-friendly: facil de utilitzar

wide screen: pantalla ampla


accessible: accessible

compatibe: compatible

convenient: convenient

delivery fee: gastos de enviament

place an order: fer una comanda

reduction: reduccio

shortage: falta

sophisticated: sofisticat

spare parts: recanvis

special offer: oferta especial

specialised: especialitzat

stocktaking: balanç del estoc

supply chain: cadena de suministres

warehouse: magatzem

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Ordering Computers Supplies Dialogue

 Ordering Computer Supplies Dialogue

A: it's Anne from Highbury College, ICT departament. I'd like to place an order, please.

B: Certainly. What exactly do you need?

A: We're running low on microphones.

B: What quantity do you need?

A: About 20. What's the price per unit?

B: Each unit is £10.

A: Have you got any good quality headsets? The ones we've got at the moment keep breaking.

B: We have some good Sound Ex ones-our customers love them.

A: I'll take 40, please. How much discount can you give me?

B: We can give you a 10% discount.

A: How long will delivery take?

B: We'll send out the order today and it will be with you by tomorrow.

 Dialalog de Ordenar Suministres de Ordinador

A: Soc Anne del departament de ICT del  colegi Highbury.  M'agradaria fer una comanda, siusplau.

B: Certament. Que nessecita exacttament?

A: Estem buscant uns microphons.

B: Que quantitat necessites?

A: Uns 20. Quin es el preu per unitat?

B: Cada unitat costa uns 10£.

A:Tens algun auricular de bona cualitat? Els unics que tenia estan trencats.

B: Tenim alguns bons els Sound Ex als compradors lis encanten. 

A: Agafare 40, siusplau. Quin descompte me podries offerir?

B: Et podria oferir un 10% de descompte.

A: Quant tardara en aribar?

B: Us emviarem la comanda avui i estaran amb tu el proxim dia.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Vocabulary Builder 3

Vocabulary Builder 3


Alt key - tecla Alt

arrow key - tecla de feches

backspace key - tecla  de retorn

caps lock key - tecla de bloqueig de majuscula

command key - tecla de comands

control key - tecla control

delete key - tecla borrar

escape key - tecla sortir

function key - tecla funcio

modifier key - tecla modifica

numeric pad -  teclat numeric

return or enter key - tecla de entrada

shift key - tecla shift

space bar - bara espai

tab key - tecla tab


and symbol - simbol and

apostrophe - apostrophe

asterisk - esterisc

at symbol - arroba

brackets - paragrafs

colon - dos punts

comma - coma

exclamation mark - exclamacio

full stop -punt

hyphen - Barra -

question mark - signe de pregunta

quotation marks -  signe de acotacio

semicolon - punt i coma

slash - bareta

underscore -  Barra baixa


Above  - a sobre

behind - Drarrere

below - a baix

beside - al costat

between - despres de

in the middle of -  al mitj

next to - despres de 

on - en 

over - sobre

under - sota


barcode scanner  -  escaner de codi de barres

flash drive - pen-drive

gaming controller - mando gaming

headset - auriculars

microphone - microfon

printer - impresora

projector - projector

retote control - control remot

scanner - escaner

speakers - altabeus

stylus pen - llapis digital

touch screen - pantalla tactil

USB charger - cargador USB

webcam - camara


broken - trencat

obsolete - obsolet

order - ordenat

overstocked - masa estoc

reorder - reordenar

run low on - quedarse sense

run out of - acabar-se


joystick  -  joystick

laser pointer - punter laser

letter keys - tecles de lletres

memory stick - pen dive

page down - pagina aball

page up - pagina amunt


short cup - drecera

touchpad -  tactil

Thursday, November 3, 2022

 The keyboard

                                    Funtion keys                                                                 Indicator lights

Control and alt keys                                                                                  Arrows keys        Navegation keys         Numeric pad

1: Dot key
2: Comma
3: Exclamation mark
4: Question mark
5: Colon, Semicolon
6: Apostrophe
7: Brackets
8: Brackets
9: At simbol
10: Asterisk
11: Slash
12: Hyphen
13: And simbol
14: Undescore
15: Space bar
