Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Vocabulary Builder 2

Vocabulary Builder 2   


DVD driver: lecto dvd

fan: ventilador 

hard driver: disc dur

heat sink: dissipador de calor

motherboard: placa mare

processor(CPU): processador

RAM chip: targeta ram

sound card: targeta de so

USB port: port USB


advanced : avansat

basic: basic

cheap: barat

expensive: car

heavy: pesat

large: gran

light: lleuger

little: petit

loud: fort

narrow: estret

quick: rapid

quiet: tranquil

slow: lent

useful: util

useless: inutil

wide: ample


first: primer

second: segond

third: tercer

fourth: cuart

fifth: cinque

sixth: sise

seventh: sete

eight: vuite

ninth: nover

tenth: decer


cable: cable

case: caixa

clip: clip 

frontal panel: panel frontal 

power supply: font de alimentació

side panel: panel lateral

slot: ranura

socket: socol

switch: interruptor


attach: adjuntar

connect: conectar

detach: separar

disconnect: desconectar

insert: insertar 

plug in: connectar

remove: treure

screw: atornillar

turn off: apagar

turn on: engegar

unplug: desconectar

unscrew: desatornillar


cache: memoria cau

desktop case: caixa de escriptori

disc controller:  controlador de disc

drive bay: badia de la unitat

expansion cards: targetes de expansio

I/O adapter: adaptador I/O

network attached storage (NAS): emagatzenament conectat a la xarxa

optical drive: controlador optic

tower case: caixa torre

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Parts of a computer

Parts of a computer


This contains the main components of a computer.

Hard drive:

This is the main storage space for data.

USB port: 

This is to connect the mouse, keyboard etc..

Sound card: 

This allows the computer to have audio.

DVD drive: 

This reads and writes disks.

Processor (CPU): 

This is the computer's brain

RAM chip: 

This is also called a memory module

Heat sink and fan: 

This stops the processor form getting too hot.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Buing a compter

Buing a computer

Can i help you, sir?

Yes, i want to buy a laptop.

What sort of laptop are you looking for?

I need a small, light computer. i often go on business trips.

What do you need to use it for?

I need it for word documents and excel.

Do you want to use it for downloading music or films?

No, i don't, but i need to use the internet a lot.

OK, i think this laptop is what you are looking for. it's light, but it's also fast.

How much is it?

It's 600. It's on special offer this week. I recommend it.

Yes, it's exactly what i need, and it's a good price.

What colours does it come in?

Blue, black or white

OK, i'd like a blue on, please.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Business Card

To:        All Employees
From:    Aritz Buisan
Subject: New Employee: Marc Aleu

Dear all,

As of today, we have got a new employee in the company. His name is Marc Aleu and he will be working as a programar. He is 26 years old and he is from Balaguer. His previous position was with an informatic suport company near Lleida.

I'm sure we all wish Marc good luck in his new position.

Best wishes,

Aritz Buisan
Windows Suport
